GREEN HYDROGEN; A solution to climate change?
The current energy system is based on the use of fossil fuels. From oil and natural gas we get methane to heat our homes and generate electricity, petrol and diesel to power our cars, and paraffin for planes and ships. But the use of fossil fuels has twho fundamental problems: we depend on other countries to buy them (at the price they want) and they emit CO2 in their use (which favours climate change). This is why we are looking for alternative energy sources that allow us to be energy independent and environmentally sustainable, such as renewable energies and hydrogen.
This exhibition aims to answer many questions related to green hydrogen: what is it, how is it produced, is it sustainable? We hope it will be of interest to you and will help you to understand this future world that is getting closer and closer.
Bisita gidatuak
On these dates and times:
- 2 December
- In Basque: 11:00
- In Spanish: 18:00
- 17th of December
- In Basque: 11:00
- In Spanish: 18:00
- 23 of December
- In Basque: 11:00
- In Spanish: 18:00
- 28th of December
- In Basque: 11:00
- In Spanish: 12:00
- Abenduak 29
- In Basque: 17:00
- In Spanish: 18:00
- Urtarrilak 13
- In Basque: 12:00
- In Spanish: 17:30
Urtarrilak 21
- In Basque: 12:00
- In Spanish: 17:30
- Urtarrilak 25
- In Basque: 12:00
- In Spanish: 17:30
- Otsailak 3
- In Basque: 12:00
- In Spanish: 17:30
- Otsailak 11
- In Basque: 12:00
- In Spanish: 17:30
In Spanish, Susana Pérez Gil, who has prepared the content of this exhibition. She holds a PhD in chemical technology, from Bergara, and is a senior technologist at Tecnalia, where she works in the following areas: chemical technology, processes, H2 production, CO2 capture and use: Chemical technology, processes, H2 production, CO2 capture and use.
In Basque, Janire Lamariano, PhD in chemistry and lecturer-tu
To book a place, please call or write to Laboratorium.
Tel 943 769 003
Sorgina Txirulina Storyteller:
- 22 of January , 11:00
- 29 of Friday, 11:00
Recommended for children aged 4-8 years old.
Bookings: 943 769 003 |
Ikusi informazio gehiago, gure albistean.