Once again this year, and thanks to their relationship with the Beart Association of Bergara, Baionako Kortsarioak are exhibiting their works in Bergara. This year, however, they will have a new location: the Laboratorium Museum. The exhibition will be in Bergara from 13 May to 8 June.
From the banks of the Errobi and the Adour, Alain, Andre, Claude, Eric, Julia, Mica and Pat shows us their creations made in timps of pandemic in Bergara. They are works that are already very familiar to us because we are getting to know the artist and his work better and better.
In these difficult times we have lived through, art shows us its kindest face and serves as a healing tool, a refuge where we can express what we see and experience that we can hardly express in any other way.
Baiona Bergara, Bergara Baiona, a round trip but it goes much further, with art we participate in a journey to emotional, psychological and spiritual freedom. Let's enjoy this exhibition that 'Baionako Kortsarioak' have prepared with so much attention.
Beart alkartearekin elkarlanean egin dugun erakusketa honen inaugurazioa maiatzaren 13an izan genuen.
The Mayor Gorka Artola welcomed the artists of the 'Galerie de Corsaires' of Baiona, where the Deputy Mayor Ainhoa Lete, the head of the Laboratorium Museoa Rosa Errazkin, the president of Beart Karlos Galarraga and the head of the Association 'Les Corsaires' André Goupille were also present.
The mayor highlighted the social character of the museum. He said that it is not only linked to science and that it has recently hosted exhibitions with a wide variety of themes. "It is a social museum and its contribution, like society, is diverse and varied. This is also attested to by the exhibitions it hosts".
The mayor also referred to the presence of art in Bergara and the great work carried out by Beart in this field.
"Art has shown us its most pleasant side in these difficult times we have lived through and has helped us to heal. Art is a refuge that allows us to express what we see and what we experience, because otherwise it would be difficult for us to express all this", says Karlos Glarraga, president of the Beart Association.
Rosa Errazkin, head of the Laboratorium Museoa, also highlighted the idea of collaboration.
'Galerie de Corsaires' is a non-profit association that collaborates with the City Council of Baiona. It is located in the heart of Baiona Ttipia, near the Basque Museum and Bonnat-Helleu, and offers artists from the Basque Country and the Southwest of France the possibility to exhibit their works free of charge. It occasionally organises exhibitions in connection with local events such as the Ham Fair, Diversity Week, Museum Night and Blue Week (painting competition for seniors).
It also engages with artists' collectives abroad to collaborate and maintain relationships. The 'Galerie des Corsaires' participates in open-air exhibitions, as well as organising an annual open-air event such as 'Remp' Arts'.
They welcome their presence in Bergara and also their new location for the exhibition.